Frequently Asked Questions

Sunset from Kerry Park, Seattle. WA State

*More specific information will be found in your session contract so please read any contract carefully before signing.*

What is your availability?

9:00 am to 8:00 pm 7days a week for phone inquiries, and consultations. Please leave a message with your name, number, the type of session you are looking for, and the approximate date.

Photo sessions: By Appointment

What is the best time to arrive for my portrait session?

Please show up 15 minutes before the designated session time, hair and makeup are done, clothes ironed and your first outfit on, completely ready to go. Many times sessions may be scheduled right after yours. Arriving late may cut into your appointment time. Please call if you think you will be more than 15 minutes or more late and we will brainstorm about session tactics. See your contract for more specific details.


What about using my cell phone or my own camera? Can I bring along a friend or another vendor to photograph the session?

This is a paid, professional session and I do not allow any other photos taken by yourself or other people or vendors including wedding coordinators or well-meaning moms or others during this time. Please keep your cameras put away and cell phones on silent or vibrate. For all sessions, cameras, cell phones, and other people are distractions that may affect the attention of those being photographed. I reserve the right to ask you to put away all cameras and cell phones during the session.

*Cell phones for elopement situations are permissible as long as they do not block or interfere with Ambiance Images photography during your paid time for your session. Per the contract, Ambiance Images will retain the right to move about indoors and outdoors unrestricted or hindered by other vendors, wedding coordinators, videographers, family members, friends, and other guests. Please inform these people ahead of time and I will give gentle reminders as needed.

Special moments to cherish

Preserve the fun, the feel, and the colors, of your special moments in time

Cameron and Brianna

Can other people come and watch?

I welcome individuals as a helper for your family with small children, a supportive friend, a parent or legal guardian, or your ride but they should definitely not be a distraction. Because of the time constraint, the photography session is not meant to be used for excessive socializing between you and other people during the photographs. I would love to photograph your extended family and even friends too, but please schedule a separate session. A parent or guardian or assigned attendant over 18 years of age must be present at all times for children under 18 years of age.

Can I drop my children off and come back and get them?

No. Safety is always 1st on the agenda. A parent or designated person over 18 years of age must be present for photo sessions of any child under the age of 18. I will not do any sessions without this in place and it will be written into the contract. Last-minute emergencies will be addressed on a case-by-case basis for a substitute parent/designated person.

What locations do you serve and do you have any extra travel fees?

I mainly serve North King County and South Snohomish County on the east side and around Lake Washington but I travel all over Washington State and beyond. There are additional travel and accommodation fees for destinations of more than 3 hrs of driving and outside of WA State.

Destinations with special meanings

Destination sessions make your life occasions even more memorable

Artist’s Point, Mt Baker, WA State

How many prints will I receive?

This varies depending on the session. Except for obvious out-of-focus shots due to someone moving, closed eyes, etc, or repeats on my part to ensure correct results for exposure, and focus, you’ll get to choose from all of the unique usable photos taken during your session according to the option you’ve chosen.

*Please note: I do not under any circumstance give out the raw files.

What is your photography and operating style?

My photo style is more on the realistic side with crisp forms and true-to-the-moment colors but I do take some artistic license and make things look a little dreamy now and then. Look through my website and you’ll get a general feel for my interpretation of moments and scenes. My operating style is relaxed and fun, but organized. I’ll have all the details and the behind-the-scenes preparation done ahead of time. A photo session should be enjoyable for everyone and I want you to enjoy your session as an experience in itself. Don’t worry if you feel a little uneasy at first or if you feel like you don’t know how to “pose'“ or if your kids don’t behave the very best. We will talk and have fun and I will capture your natural moments (even unplanned ones) and also posed as I guide and coach you here and there to create beautiful images of you or your group.

Make your memories last

Special occasions go by fast but photographs keep them forever

Cameron and Brianna

How soon will I get my photos and how will I see them?

I start editing my photos right away and can often get them done in a few weeks but my stated contract turnaround time is 6-8 weeks for finals barring significant unforeseen circumstances however, I reserve the right to extend that time during especially busy seasons, significant life circumstances, or equipment malfunctions. You will have an online viewing gallery (password protected) and also the option to see them in person. Certain times of the year are busier and will possibly add additional time to that estimation. Make sure your session appointment (especially for senior photos) is early enough on the calendar to meet any deadlines. Last-minute sessions could make things a little interesting!

Can I order physical print packages?

Absolutely! I have a service I use for world-class quality prints and I would be happy to help guide you in your package choices.

(Note: physical photo prints and products are in addition to session fees unless otherwise stated in the session option.)

How do payments work?

It’s very easy! I use Square which is set up for any payments or purchases on this website and Stripe on the private client gallery. Both accept most credit and debit cards. I also use Venmo and payment plans are available with prior arrangements.

A 50% non-refundable reservation fee is required at the time of booking.

For elopements, the remaining balance is due 60 days before the day of your session unless special arrangements have been made. For all other types of sessions, the remaining payment is to be made at least 7 days before your photo session unless prior arrangements have been made. I do not photograph or attend any session until full, cleared payment and a signed contract are received.

Why the 50% non-refundable reservation fee?

This protects both you and me and is now standard with professional photographers. When you are serious about finding a professional, high-quality photographer and need a certain date and pay that 50% non-refundable reservation fee, this tells me that you are committed to following through unless an emergency situation arises. (covered in the contract) Once you’re booked with me, this date and time are reserved solely for you. (unless you cancel under the specific requirements in your contract) No one can “bump” you. However, if you are scheduled, this means I cannot schedule anyone else during that time. Unfortunately, “ghosting” doesn’t just happen on dating apps. If you end up not showing up, all my behind-the-scenes work is lost and without a reservation fee, I lose out on potential income from someone else that could have booked an even longer session. Simple as that.

Sometimes, a photograph is just the thing Snoqualmie Falls and Salish Lodge,

WA State

Can we choose a location that’s meaningful to us?

Absolutely! If you have a special place or a theme in mind let’s get planning! Or if you need some inspiration, I have a long list of wonderful location suggestions around Washington State and beyond for a memorable photography session.

I love your photography! How do I arrange a session?

Give me a call at (425)346-5287 or click on my contact page and send me a message. On your contact form, tell me what type of session you’re looking for, a window of dates, photo location ideas, etc. You can also send me a message through direct email at

Don’t worry if you don’t have any locations in mind. I have a long list of possibilities in and around the greater Puget Sound including beaches, mountains, cities, iconic places, and beyond depending on your needs and ideas. Once you book, sign the contract, and make your payment, I’ll send you a questionnaire that will help me get to know you and your preferences before your session and more tips on how to prepare for your session. In addition, you’ll receive a styling and prep guide specific to your session type.

Steve and Katie

How far out do you book?

Contact me and book as soon as possible because it gets busy! At least two weeks in advance and longer or months in advance depending on destination sessions for planning purposes. Spring, summer, and fall months are typically the busiest with engagements, and senior photos so the sooner the better. I do not have a limit as to how far out on the calendar. If you book and something comes up, please see below.*

What should we wear? (Senior photos, engagements, families, business portraits)

Once you book, I will send you color-coordinating ideas for groups, seasons, reasons for the session, and location factors but the bottom line is it should be something you feel comfortable in. You’ll also have the option of wearing multiple outfits, depending on the package you purchase. I have a portable changing tent for outdoor outfit changes so you won’t have to be tied to the nearest bathroom.

Details make a difference

Creativity adds an extra special touch

Parambir and Kavita

*What if we or you have to reschedule or cancel?

I know life happens and emergencies happen but please contact me as soon as possible if something comes up so we can brainstorm the next move. The best way is a phone call or via text. If you need to reschedule we will find the next soonest mutually available date. If you completely cancel last minute with absolutely no intention of rescheduling, (within 24 hrs) and have already put down a reservation fee, it is legally non-refundable and a new reservation fee will have to be paid to hold down a new, future appointment. Please read the contract details very carefully before you sign. All contracts will be legally binding. Please See below.

Reshoot Policy: For elopements: If Ambiance Images or any of her agent representatives are required to reshoot the session without 60 days prior notice, the client will be responsible for an additional reservation fee to secure that date. If the weather conditions are not desirable for the shoot based on studio recommendations, the session can be rescheduled with no additional reservation fee. If a reshoot has been scheduled due to the client’s or party members’ dissatisfaction with their appearance in the previous session, the client is held responsible for purchasing a new package.

Severe Circumstances and Limit of Liability: If due to war, severe land, structure, or road damage; or impassability due to traffic accidents, weather, fire, flood, snow, explosions, earthquake; or attack by another person(s) with or without weapons; pandemic with restrictions; other severe injury or severe medical issue/illness/family emergency, or death to the client or Ambiance Images from any cause beyond their control, there will be either a onetime complimentary rescheduling within one year option, a good faith attempt to provide a replacement photographer, or a full refund less the non-refundable reservation fee. If no session is scheduled within one year by the client, then a new session must begin with a new reservation fee.

Near Lake Crescent, Olympic Peninsula, WA State