Rebbecca Peterson
Licensed Professional Photographer
Based on the east side of Lake Washington, traveling to all corners of Washington State and beyond
to capture stunning photographs of people, scenery, products, and moments.
Portraits, Elopements, Engagements or Pre-Weddings, Senior High School Grads, Family, Business, and Fine Art.
am. bi. ance \’am-be-an(t)s\
noun: the character, atmosphere, feeling, or mood associated with a particular place, person, or thing.
a visual element that allows one to recall the emotion of a scene.
You can now order selected images
on photo merchandise!
Sample Portfolio
The photographs contained on this, and any other site under the domain, or any other social sharing websites are the
property of Ambiance Images/Rebbecca A Peterson and are protected by the United States and international copyright laws.
All copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights in this site, are the property of Ambiance Images/Rebbecca A Peterson.
All photographs on every page of are copyrighted and all images owned by Ambiance Images/Rebbecca A Peterson are copyrighted and
any copying of this website or any other page on the internet without my permission either verbally or written is a violation of copyright laws.
As Seen In….
Kirkland BeLocal Magazine
Kirkland Living Magazine
Kirkland Downtown Association
The Woodinville Weekly Newspaper
The Northshore Newspaper
Professional Associations
Non-Discrimination Policy
As the owner of Ambiance Images, I value all people as unique individuals and I
welcome the variety of personalities and experiences you bring to my company. As such, my non-discrimination policy is this:
All clients, staff, and vendors shall be treated equally and with respect regardless of race, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation,
national origin, native language, religion, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other characteristic protected by law.